ISIR was forced to postpone its 21th Symposium to 2021. Traditionally the finalists of the Best Student Paper Award present their research at the Symposium. This year ISIR announced the competition with the possibility to present their topic as a part of a webinar on August 25.
The Best Student Paper Award Committee has evaluated the submitted papers and chosen the four finalists of the BSPA competition.
The BSPA Committee consisted of four members and was chaired by Peter Kelle, Lousisiana State University, USA:
Gudrun Kiesmüller, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Felipe Schwartzman, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA
Aris Syntetos, Cardiff University, UK
Sandra Transchel, Kühne Logistics University, Germany
From among the 14 submissions 4 finalists were selected, who presented their research on August 25, 2020.
After the webinar the jury decided that the Best Student Paper was presented by and therefore the Award goes to
Melvin Drent University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management with his paper on Effective Dual-Sourcing Through Inventory Projection
and the runner-ups were
Mirjam Meijer, Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven
Joost Goedhart, Rene Haijema, Renzo Akkerman, Operation Research and Logistics, Wageningen University
Bhawna Priya, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow