Edited by C. Glock and E. Grosse
International competition and a high cost pressure force companies more and more to reorganize their internal logistics processes. Warehousing, which has a major impact on lead times and service levels, may be seen as one of the key drivers of supply chain efficiency. Despite several innovative concepts and technical solutions that were proposed by academia and practice in recent years, the full potential warehouse logistics offers has not been realized so far.
The book at hand presents an overview of several innovative management concepts and technical solutions for warehouse logistics of the future – Warehousing 4.0. Topics covered in the book include the “Industry 4.0” concept and its impact on automation in warehousing, technical assistance systems for improving workplace ergonomics, pick-by-light and pick-by-vision systems, order picking robots, and drones in the warehouse. Despite these technical solutions, the book also presents some best practice examples from industry that help practitioners and researchers to fully capture the potential Warehousing 4.0 offers.
Additional information on the book can soon be found here: www.warehousing40.com (German)