IMAMAN (OUP) new issue and ‘Insights from Thought Leaders” piece from Sridhar Seshadri and Sripad Devalkar

Issue 4 of 2024 of the IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (IMAMAN) was published in early October. We are delighted to announce the new Insights from Thought Leaders opening article of this new issue. The article is contributed by Sridhar Seshadri and Sripad Devalkar who present their mathematical analysis of dual sourcing systems to manage flexibility in supply chains. It has been made available for free to read by Oxford University Press (OUP) for three months.

Of particular interest to the ISIR community may also be the study of Cristiano Cavalcante and his colleagues who present a novel periodic opportunistic replacement maintenance policy when resources are limited
IMAMAN is published by OUP for the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA). The journal, currently in its 35th volume, keeps on contributing important, thematically diverse, and forward-looking research in mathematics for management. It is currently organized around 6 main Areas (Decision Analysis, Finance, Health and Society, Multidisciplinary Management Mathematics, Operations, and Sport), covering the entire spectrum of management mathematics research, and offering authors an excellent service as well as the communications and dissemination support of OUP. 

Visit our webpage to read more about the journal. Contact Aris Syntetos for more information.

Aris A. Syntetos, PhD, FIMA

Distinguished Research Professor, DSV Chair

Editor-in-Chief: IMAMAN, OUP 

Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

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