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ISIR related publications

There are a number of publications which are closely connected to some events and/or research projects organized by ISIR.

* Bigman, D.: Food Policies and Food Security Under Instability – Modeling and Analysis, Lexington Books, Massachusetts, 1985

* Chikán, A. – Lovell, M.C., (eds.): The Economics of Inventory Management (A Selection of Papers Presented at the Conference on the Economics of Inventory Management, Middletown, CT, USA, 1987), Elsevier, 1988

*Hillinger, C. (ed.): Cyclical Growth in Market and Planned Economies, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992

*Fiorito, R. (ed.): Inventory, Business Cycles and Monetary Transmission, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1994

*Bogataj, L. (ed.): Inventory Modelling (Lecture Notes of the International Postgraduate Summer School), Vol.1-2., Budapest-Portoroz, 1995

*Chikán, A. – Milne, A. – Sprague, L.G. (eds.): Reflections on Firm and National Inventories (Workshop on Micro Foundations of Macroeconomic Analysis of Inventories, 1994), ISIR, 1996

*Papachristos, S. – Ganas, I. (eds.): Inventory Modelling in Production and Supply Chain (Volume of research papers presented at the Third ISIR Summer School in Ioannina, Greece in 1997), 1998

Bibliography of Inventory Literature Part 1. (1980-1986), ISIR, Budapest 1988

Bibliography of Inventory Literature Part 2. (1987-1989), ISIR, Budapest 1990

Bibliography of Inventory Literature Part 3. (1990-1993), ISIR, Budapest 1994

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