Two Post-Doctoral Research Assistants in Operational Research

Two Post-Doctoral Research Assistants in Operational Research (Forecasting and Inventory Control) in Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University


Two exciting opportunities are currently available within Cardiff Business School to conduct cutting-edge implementable research in the area of circular economy. This 2-year project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK, EP/P008925, Resilient Remanufacturing Networks: Forecasting, Informatics and Holons) and it aims at advancing knowledge and making an impact in real world practices in the area of forecasting and inventory / production control in a remanufacturing context. The project benefits from the support of three industrial collaborators as well as the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). The successful candidates will be part of the Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section of the School and benefit from exposure to an academic community that equally emphasises theoretical rigour and practical implementation. They will also benefit from collaborative work within the newly formed Logistics Research Centre, funded by Panalpina World Transport Ltd, and a currently ongoing knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) with a remanufacturer in North Wales.


We wish to appoint two post-doctoral research assistants (PDRAs) in the area of operational research. For the first RA we look for:

  • A strong operational research / management science background with specific emphasis on statistical forecasting (times series analysis or econometrics) or a strong industrial engineering / manufacturing management background in engineering informatics / data analytics.

For the second RA we look for:

  • A strong operational research / management science background with specific expertise in systems modelling and/or a control engineering background – with knowledge of inventory management and production planning and control.


Please contact Professor Aris Syntetos ( with all enquiries.

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