Online webinar
25 August 2020 – 2.00 – 4.20 pm (CEST)
Best Student Paper Award Committee has evaluated the submitted papers and chosen the four finalists of the BSPA competition.
The presentations of the 4 finalists will be scheduled in an online webinar.
The committee members will attend the webinar and listen to the
presentations of the finalists. They will decide on the winner after the
presentations. The winner will be announced in a notification email and also on ISIR website and newsletter.
We are inviting you to attend and be part of the exciting student presentations.
Detailed program
Moderator: Krisztina Demeter, Secretary General, ISIR, Corvinus University of Budapest
2:00 pm
Opening (CEST 2pm, EST 8 am, India 5.30 pm)
Peter Kelle, Head of the Best Student Paper Award Committee, Louisiana State University, USA
2:15 – 2:45
Mirjam Meijer, Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Contingent Penalty and Contingent Renewal Supply Contracts in High-Tech Industry
2:45 – 3:15
Joost Goedhart, Rene Haijema, Renzo Akkerman, Operation Research and Logistics, Wageningen University
Inventory Rationing and Replenishment for an Omni-channel Retailer
3:15 – 3:45
Bhawna Priya, Fourth-year Doctoral Scholar, Operations Management Area, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
Designing mechanisms to control the over-ordering problem associated with trade credit
3:45 – 4:15
Melvin Drent and Joachim Arts, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Effective Dual-Sourcing Through Inventory Projection
4:15 – 4:20
Head of the Best Student Paper Award Committee
Peter Kelle, Louisiana State University, USA
Members of the Best Student Paper Award Committee
Gudrun Kiesmüller, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Felipe Schwartzman, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA
Aris Syntetos, Cardiff University, UK
Sandra Transchel, Kühne Logistics University, Germany
The participation is free for the webinar, but online registration is required here>>>
After the registration you will receive a short confirmation. We will send you the technical and sign-in informations shortly before the event.
The platform of the event is ZOOM.