Call for Papers – IMA Journal of Management Mathematics – Mathematical Models for Sustainable Supply Chains and Operations

Guest Editors: Yann Bouchery, Johan Marklund, Sandra Transchel and Maximiliano Udenio

Sustainability is a long-lasting trend that deeply influences decision makers in profit, not-for-profit, and governmental/public organizations. Related challenges include human health, food loss and waste, working conditions, global warming, water management, plastic leakage in the environment, biodiversity loss, sourcing of rare earths and critical minerals. This non-exhaustive list provides an idea of the diversity of sustainability-related challenges. Each of these topics embed specific features that lead to interesting decision-making processes. Besides, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy to tackle all these challenges and some trade-offs are often necessary in practice. Therefore, managers require cutting-edge decision-aid methods based on mathematical research to embed sustainability into their decisions.

While many organizations started to tackle sustainability challenges within their own operations, the major impacts often lie in the supply chains they reside. Therefore, supply chains are key to tackle sustainability-related challenges. This leads to a renewed interest from managers in sustainable supply chains and operations. The related academic literature is rich, however, there is still a lack of practically oriented mathematical models to enlighten managers’ decisions.

This special issue intends to contribute to filling this gap. We are open to any type of mathematical research, and we look for articles that conduct a rigorous mathematical analysis on a practically relevant topic associated with sustainable supply chains. We are also open to critical reviews of the existing literature that focus on mathematical models for sustainable supply chains and operations as well as on applications to real-world problems in the form of case studies.

We especially welcome innovative contributions related to, but not limited to:

  • Supply coordination or collaboration for sustainability,
  • Sustainable inventory models,
  • Cicularity in supply chains (related to product or packaging),
  • Reducing food loss and waste in supply chains,
  • Green logistics and transportation,
  • Econometric analysis of sustainable supply chain management practices,
  • Sustainable service operations,
  • Impact of product-service systems on supply chain sustainability,
  • Demand and price management for sustainable supply chains,
  • Omni-channel strategies with a sustainability perspective,
  • Supply chain resilience and sustainability.

Important Dates

30 June 2023: Submission deadline (Early submission recommended, referee process starts once the paper received, accepted papers will be published individually online as they are accepted)
31 October 2023: Notification of status & acceptance of paper
29 February 2024: Revised manuscripts
30 June 2024: Final submissions

Guest Editors

Dr Yann Bouchery
The Centre of Excellence in Supply Chain (CESIT), KEDGE Business School

Dr Johan Marklund
Division of Production Management, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University

Dr Sandra Transchel
Department of Operations and Technology, Kuehne Logistics University

Dr Maximiliano Udenio
Research Centre for Operations Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

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